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Larvic Pharmacy is a UK based pharmacy, distributor and retailer of nutraceutical supplements, vitamins, minerals, cosmetics, OTC, medicines, controlled drugs and various other healthcare products and devices. 

Larvic Pharmacy fully embrace the aims and ideals of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK), and opposes all forms of slavery and human trafficking and will never knowingly conduct business with suppliers, contractors or employees who engage in any form of such practice. 


Our Employees

Larvic Pharmacy have communicated our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement to all its employees, providing them information on how to identify and report potential slavery within the business.

In addition, Larvic Pharmacy have provided all employees with information on how to identify signs of slavery in every day life, along with details on how to report slavery and human trafficking outside of the business.

Larvic Pharmacy has incorporated this statement into employee handbooks.

Supply Chain

Larvic Pharmacy apply reasonable due diligence to risk assess our supply chain and regularly conducts supplier audits, including onsite, of its regular suppliers.

The audits are scheduled and review many aspects of the supply chain including the supplier's policies towards environment, safety, child labour, quality control measures, slavery and human trafficking as well as other legal requirements. 

Larvic Pharmacy recognise that OTC, Medicine and Drug procurement can occur in various regions in the world, including countries that do not recognise slavery and human trafficking. Larvic Pharmacy therefore conduct supplier approval questionnaires and pre-audits to establish a list of suppliers that meet Larvic Pharmacy's quality credentials and requirements. 

Slavery and Human Trafficking are serious crimes and Larvic Pharmacy are committed to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of Larvic Pharmacy. [January 2024]

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